The Throne Speech briefly mentioned the opioid overdose crisis, but provided no details, no plans. Jenny has asked time and again that this epidemic be declared a national health emergency to no avail. Jenny wants to know: Would the Liberals be prepared to at least pilot a safe-supply program so that we can begin to save lives and demonstrate to communities across the country that we can save lives?
"Madam Speaker, speaking of overdoses, there is a major crisis in the Downtown Eastside community. We have been calling on the government to declare a national health emergency, yet it refuses to do so.
As we just heard, the number of overdose deaths has increased, so it is not just in the Downtown Eastside community, but across the country.
Would the Liberals be prepared to at least pilot a safe supply program so that we can begin to save lives and demonstrate to communities across the country that we can save lives and that the world will not end if we ensure there is a safe supply program for people who need help?"