May 8, 2020
Sent to:
Hon. Chrystia Freeland, Chair, Cabinet Committee on the federal response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Hon. Bill Morneau, Minister of Finance
Hon. Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Public Services and Procurement and Accessibility
Dear Ministers Freeland, Qualtrough and Morneau,
We are writng in follow up to our April 16, 2020 letter expressing concern for single parents whose spousal and child support payments have been interrupted due to COVID-19.
The eligibility criteria for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) continue to exclude single parents who have seen their income dramatically lowered because of decreases in their ex-partner’s income due to COIVD-19. Another few weeks have gone by since we first brought this issue to your attention and the situation is becoming more desperate for these families with each passing day.
It is a major source of anxiety not only for the Canadians, predominantly women, who depend upon these support payments to make ends meet, but to their ex-partners as well, who want to see their children and former partners supported financially through the crisis and who also do not want to default on their court orders.