Mr. Speaker, we heard over and over again from the Conservatives in the debate tonight that there is a simple way for the leader of the Conservative Party to get the information. They suggest that all that has to be done is for the Prime Minister to walk across the aisle and whisper in the Conservative leader's ear to tel him who might be implicated in wittingly or semi-wittingly compromising Canada's democratic institutions and democratic processes on behalf of foreign actors.
I have to ask if that even makes sense to the member. Would a leader not want to look at the documents to verify this information, as opposed to hearing it from an adversary, someone the Conservatives consistently say they cannot trust? The Conservative leadersimply says he does not need to go through a security clearance or look at the CSIS documents; he wants the Prime Minister to whisper names in his ear, and he will believe him. Does that even make sense to the member?
What sort of nonsense does the member think the Conservatives are trying to pull?