Parliament Video: Jenny in the House: A Call on the Government to Declare Dec 13 of Every Year Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day

On November 28, 2018, Jenny rose and spoke about the Nanjing Massacre:

Jenny Kwan (NDP) Vancouver East, BC

"Mr. Speaker, this year is the 81st anniversary of the Nanjing massacre. Approximately 300,000 people were killed and an estimated 200,000 women from Japanese-occupied territories were tricked or coerced into sexual slavery. A family member told me today my grandmother and mother never stopped talking about what happened and how shameful it was that so much of the world never even knew.

On behalf of Order of Canada recipient Joy Kogawa and nearly 40,000 Canadians, I ask: Will the Prime Minister declare December 13 every year as Nanjing massacre commemorative day, yes or no?"

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