Parliament Video: Jenny in the House: A Call for urgent action to address homelessness crisis in Strathcona Park

On February 5th, 2021, Jenny asked this question in house:

Jenny Kwan (NDP)
 Vancouver East, BC

"Madam Speaker, a 70-year-old woman was fatally injured in a home invasion. The suspect was found at the homeless encampment at Strathcona Park. As the homelessness crisis continues, safety concerns for the campers and residents have escalated to a breaking point. Emergency action is needed to house the campers and end this dire situation. The province has requested fifty-fifty cost sharing with the federal government to acquire distress housing or motels as an emergency pandemic measure. It has been over nine months and still there is no answer.

Will the federal government take immediate action and partner with the province to end the homelessness crisis?"

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