Parliament Video: Jenny Kwan in Question Period on Parents & Grandparents Sponsorship

I have risen twice in Question Period in the last two weeks to demand answers regarding the newest failure of the Liberal government on the Parents/Grandparents Sponsorship program, on behalf of constituents and in my capacity as Critic.


On January 29th, 2019, I rose in Question Period to ask the following: 
"Mr. Speaker, the Liberal government continues to devalue the contributions of parents and grandparents. First it was family reunification based on the luck of the draw. After scrapping that colossal failure, it was right back to the Conservative plan to make families race, at breakneck speed, just to submit an application before an arbitrary cap was reached. It took all of 11 minutes yesterday before the door was slammed shut. Now families have to wait another year to even have a shot at submitting an application.
Will the Liberal government do what is right and cancel the cap?"
During Question Period on February 4, 2019, I asked again about the parents and grandparents sponsorship program: 
"Mr. Speaker, the online application process for the parents and grandparents sponsorship program was a farce. Grace had tried to apply for four years, but the link did not even show up for her on the IRCC website, despite her upgrading her Internet. Yuna felt cheated, as no one told her about the game rules. She opened the form at 9:01. It said she had 10 minutes to complete it. She finished it in three. Then she went over it to make sure everything was correct, but after seven minutes, she was kicked out. Later she heard that she only had to fill out the name and the contact information to be accepted.
How is this a fair process? What will it take for the minister to do the right thing and eliminate the cap?"

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