Today is International Transgender Day of Visibility, a day to celebrate the trans people in our communities, but also a day to recognize the ongoing struggles of the trans community. As we celebrate the hard-fought gains for trans rights made in Canada over recent decades, we must also be vigilant against attacks on our trans siblings here and across the world.
We must push back against the overt threats to trans health and wellbeing – like the wave of legislation being passed in the US to restrict life saving healthcare, gender recognition, and community participation – but also against indirect measures that will lead to the suffering of LGBTQ+ people.
City TV NEWS: Rally outside Vancouver college protests sudden termination of key English program
Dozens of students and instructors gathered at Vancouver Community College (VCC) Tuesday to protest the unexpected shutdown of the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program.
LINC, which has helped thousands of immigrants learn English, secure jobs, and work toward citizenship, is set to be terminated at the end of March due to federal funding cuts.
The move has left over 800 students without a clear path forward and more than 30 instructors without jobs.
“We found out just before winter break, and this was the first opportunity to get people together to raise spirits, because people have been really down.” said Frank Cosco, president of the VCC Faculty Association.