Canadians need and deserve a government that is on their side, a government that works for the people, and not for the profits of corporations and the ultra-wealthy. With the rise of global conflict and authoritarianism, climate-related environmental disasters, and an ever-deepening wealth disparity, Canadians need a government that is focused on making their lives better more than ever.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised that 2015 will be the last election held under the outdated first-past-the-post system. It is past time for Canadians to have a modern proportional representation system and a strong democracy to better ensure that every vote counts. We must also lower the voting age so that young people who will be most impacted by the decisions we make today have their voices heard.

As your representative, I will work every day to amplify the voices of Van East and to hold the government accountable, and to push them to do more for Canadians.

MEDIA RELEASE - The NDP is raising concerns about transparency for Canadians

“The use of the Emergencies Act was unprecedented, and Canadians rightly have many questions about how the government let the situation get to a point where that became necessary. Failures in leadership from several levels of government during the convoy crisis all contributed to the hardship Canadians endured. While governments argued over jurisdictions, people were abandoned. Canadians were abandoned because governments did not take the threat of this convoy seriously and took too long to act.
Canadians expect a thorough inquiry into the use of the Emergencies act and New Democrats support its broad mandate. However, the Liberals are doing everything possible to protect themselves from being held accountable for their delayed response to the illegal occupation. By claiming cabinet confidence, the Liberals are shielding themselves from scrutiny and this cannot be the government’s approach to the inquiry. Canadians deserve much better.

MEDIA RELEASE - Liberals fail to fix delays in our immigration system

“In his announcement today, the Minister failed to acknowledge the real reason why Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada quietly stopped the Federal Skilled Worker Program. Through an Access to Information and Privacy request, it was revealed that “These reductions are due to admissions space required to accommodate the Temporary Resident to Permanent Resident stream and the resettlement of Afghan nationals to Canada.”
The truth is the Liberal government failed to listen to calls from the NDP and those affected by these delays to ensure adequate staffing and immigration levels are available to meet the announcement of these two new immigration measures.
The lack of ​transparency and communication from this government is appalling and an insult to the people who are trying to balance important life decisions around possible outcomes of their applications. It should not take an Access to Information request for those aspiring to come to Canada to learn the truth about the processing delays.

MEDIA RELEASE - We must eliminate Islamophobia and all forms of racism from our systems of government

“New Democrats are appalled by how the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is reportedly treating Muslim organizations like the Muslim Association of Canada. We see clearly that Islamophobia and other forms of racism continue to exist in our systems of government. Not only does this pose a threat to the well-being of our communities, but it also hurts the social fabric of our country. We welcome the legal challenge launched on Wednesday.
Last summer, nearly 100 Muslim organizations and civil society groups sent a letter to the Prime Minister calling on him to reform the CRA’s auditing processes, which they allege unfairly target Muslims.

MEDIA RELEASE - The Liberals must stop giving a free pass to the ultra-rich and make them pay their fair share: NDP

In last week’s federal budget, New Democrats used their power to make big banks and other financial institutions pay a little bit more of their fair share after making record profits. New Democrats are calling for these measures to be extended to big box stores and big oil companies making record profits so that the money can be reinvested in solutions that make life more affordable for you and your family.
“When the cost of food, housing and gas for your cars goes up faster than workers’ wages, it’s like getting a hefty pay cut — it’s not fair,” said Blaikie. “Rich CEOs are lining their pockets on the backs of struggling Canadians. It doesn’t have to be this way. Instead of maintaining a rigged system that benefits the wealthiest, we need to fix it by making sure those at the top pay their fair share. By doing so, we can invest more in healthcare, build affordable homes, and create good jobs that help fight the climate crisis for Canadians.”

REALITY CHECK: Conservatives want the Liberals to increase budget spending by $25 Billion

New Democrats believe it's important to be fiscally responsible with Canadians' money. That's why they proposed measures to make the very rich pay their fair share to invest in programs to help Canadians:
        • Making big banks, big box stores and big oil pay their fair share on excess profits.
        • Cut billion-dollar subsidies to big oil.
"The Conservatives and Liberals continue to protect the profits of the super-rich and are getting us nowhere on solving big problems people are facing now. The Liberals found a way to give billions to big oil companies while they are making record profits on the fantasy of being able to capture carbon. And while the Conservatives like to pretend they want to help you, they refuse to make the ultra-rich pay their fair share. Leaving you and your family struggling to make ends meet. While the Liberals and Conservatives protect the very rich and their profits made on the backs of people, New Democrats stand with workers and families. Every time." – NDP MP Charlie Angus

MEDIA RELEASE - Liberals continue to rubberstamp oil projects, fail to invest in workers or solutions to the worsening climate crisis

Just days ago, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a scathing report warning people that we cannot continue on our current path if we are going to have any chance of addressing climate change.
The reality we are facing could not be more clear: bolder action is urgently needed.
But today, we learned the Liberals are going ahead with a new fossil fuel project and will continue to hand out billions of dollars to oil and gas companies.

MEDIA RELEASE - We must fight against the spread of fake news for the safety of Canadians

“Canadians want reliable information about public health–especially during this pandemic. Unfortunately, the spread of fake news online has compromised the reliability and quality of the information people are getting. It has also created a space to feed online hate. People expect their government to help fix this problem.
Furthermore, the unfair competition from web giants is decreasing the revenue of media outlets that people depend on. The lack of a level playing field is leading to the closure of many local media outlets and making the spread of fake news a pandemic of its own threatening the safety of people, particularly racialized and Indigenous communities.

MEDIA RELEASE - Canadians need homes they can afford

A media outlet reported this week that the Liberal's housing strategy isn’t delivering the affordable homes people need despite the worsening housing crisis across the country.
Families aren’t finding homes they can afford in the communities where they live and work because rich investors are hiking up rent to maximize their profits. Nearly all the government​'s funding ​allocation under the Rental Construction Financing Initiative (RCFI) ends up in the pockets of for-profit developers who often have ​little interest in offering homes people can afford.
This Liberal government has been telling people that they are building more affordable homes, but the reality doesn't match the rhetoric. What the government deems affordable is way over the market price — families just can’t afford it. Currently, for many of the units created under the RCFI initiative, the rent is somewhere between 30 per cent and ​120 per cent above market rent​. ​It's laughable for the Liberals to claim that this is affordable. The NDP has been calling this out for years now and the program needs to change.

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