MEDIA RELEASE: NDP forces Liberals to finally start cracking down on tax evasion

That’s why, for years, New Democrats have been pushing and advocating for the establishment of a public beneficial ownership registry to make it harder for wealthy tax dodgers, corrupt businesspeople and sanctioned Russian oligarchs to hide their assets in Canada. This registry will ensure transparency so the government can ensure everyone pays what they owe in taxes and put a stop to money laundering that is increasing real estate speculation which makes it harder for families in Canada to find a home they can afford.

The NDP used the Confidence and Supply Agreement to force the Liberals to stop dragging their feet on combating tax evasion and money laundering and implement a registry this year.

New Democrats would welcome the swift passage of this bill so the government can begin negotiating with the provinces and territories to get the public beneficial ownership registry implemented as soon as possible.”

MEDIA RELEASE: Jagmeet and the NDP deliver results that will save many Canadians up to $1,700

OTTAWA – The budget released on Tuesday shows how Canada’s NDP leader Jagmeet Singh and New Democrats have used their power to deliver results for Canadians at a time where people desperately need help with the cost-of-living. With another doubling of the GST rebate and dental care for children under 18, people living with a disability and seniors, millions of Canadians are going to save $1,700.

“Today’s budget shows that when New Democrats use our power, we get real things done for people,” said Singh. “This is a difficult time for Canadians. The cost of everything is up. That’s why we fought for a budget that saves you money and creates good jobs with better wages. Justin Trudeau voted against dental care twice and he didn’t want to double the GST rebate, but we didn’t take no for an answer. We fought and we got those things for working people. And if Pierre Poilievre had his way in this budget, there would be no dental care. Your pension, and the services that your family relies on would be cut to benefit the big bosses.”

Canadian Press: Budget 2023: Liberals follow through on big promises in deal with NDP

OTTAWA -  The Liberal government has continued to fulfil its promises to the NDP within its second federal budget since the parties struck a confidence-and-supply agreement in March 2022.

New Democrats have agreed to prop up the minority government on key votes, including budgets, until June 2025 in exchange for movement on shared priorities.
Here are the key NDP-approved initiatives that were penned into the agreement and made it into this year's budget:

Global News: ‘Invisible wall’ at Roxham Road will drive persecuted asylum-seekers on ‘a dangerous pathway’: NDP Kwan

During question period at the House of Commons on Monday, NDP MP Jenny Kwan said that the closure of Roxham Road over the weekend with “an invisible wall” would “only drive persecuted asylum-seekers on a more dangerous pathway.” Parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Marie-France Lalonde responded by saying that the government had “finally updated” the Safe Third Country Act and that this was a “victory.”

NEWS RELEASE: Liberals vote against an NDP motion calling for an independent public inquiry into foreign interference in Canadian elections

“It is unsettling that Justin Trudeau is resisting launching a public inquiry into foreign interference in our democracy,” said Canada’s NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. “With allegations mounting that both Conservative and Liberal candidates may have been involved in foreign interference schemes, Canadians expect transparency and action to restore their confidence in our election process. It’s inconceivable that the Prime Minister is denying people the transparency they deserve from their elected officials.”

New Democrats have been pushing for an independent public inquiry into foreign interference for weeks. Singh says this is the only responsible way to get answers for Canadians.

REALITY CHECK: NDP forces a vote for a public inquiry into allegations of foreign interference in elections

The House of Commons will vote today on a NDP concurrence motion, brought forawrd by NDP MP Peter Julian, on the 25th report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, calling on the government "to launch a national public inquiry into allegations of foreign interference in Canada's democratic system, including, but not limited to, allegations of interference in general elections by foreign governments".

This motion, originally scheduled to be voted on last Tuesday, March 21, was blocked by the Conservatives.

This move by the Conservative Party raises many questions about their genuine desire to see a public, independent and transparent inquiry into allegations of foreign interference in our democratic process.

Reality check: NDP forces a vote for a public inquiry into allegations of foreign interference in elections

The House of Commons will vote today on a NDP concurrence motion, brought forawrd by NDP MP Peter Julian, on the 25th report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, calling on the government "to launch a national public inquiry into allegations of foreign interference in Canada's democratic system, including, but not limited to, allegations of interference in general elections by foreign governments".

This motion, originally scheduled to be voted on last Tuesday, March 21, was blocked by the Conservatives.

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