The government continues failing to close tax havens and tax loopholes for the ultrawealthy. While cost of living and prices continue to spiral out of control, large corporations are making record profits off the backs of struggling Canadians.

The super-rich are hiding more than $300 billion in tax havens every year and using tax loopholes to avoid paying their fair share. Closing tax loopholes and shutting down tax havens would save Canadians more than $16 billion every year. This is critical tax revenue that could be invested in things that Canadians desperately need, such as guaranteed basic livable income and a Just Transition plan to help workers and communities move towards a greener, more equitable Canada.

The NDP pushed hard and in Budget 2022, and there is a pandemic tax for banks and insurance companies.This is a start, and we will continue to fight for wealth tax and excess profits tax so that the ultra rich pays their fair share.

According to the CCPA’s study, if you add up all the measures that benefit mostly the wealthy, in 2011 alone, there is more than $100 billon in foregone revenue.

It is high time we close the loopholes and shut down the tax giveaways and reinvest that money into our communities, so that all Canadians—not just those at the top—can have the support they need to succeed.

MEDIA RELEASE - NDP calls on government to put more money back in Canadians’ pockets

“People are anxious. They’re very worried about covering the costs of the everyday things they need, like gas and groceries,” said Singh. “Canadians are paying record-high prices at the pumps so that these big oil and gas companies can make more and more profits. This is exactly what is wrong with the system designed by Liberals and Conservatives – in times of crisis, the rich and powerful win – Canadian lose. It doesn’t have to be this way. New Democrats are urging the federal government to act and make things fairer for everyday Canadians.”
New Democrats are proposing that the government double the GST tax credit and increase the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) for all recipients by $500. This would mean middle-class and low-income Canadians would get between $500 and $1000 to help them pay their bills. With these NDP proposals, at least 40 per cent of Canadians would get money back in their pockets to help with their growing expenses.

MEDIA RELEASE - Canada Infrastructure Bank must serve people and communities facing greatest impact of the climate crisis

OTTAWA—Yesterday, a report from the Parliamentary Committee on Transport Infrastructure and Communities recommended that the government abolish the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB). The Bank has widely been criticized for failing to address the needs of the communities it is supposed to help. While the CIB has received hundreds of project proposals, it has approved very few, neglecting projects which could help people in favor of a privatization agenda that helps maximize corporate profits at the expense of the public interests.
“Canadians are frustrated that the government isn’t investing in the infrastructure that communities desperately need in the face of the climate crisis. With the recommendation to abolish Canada’s Infrastructure Bank from the Transport Committee, the Liberals are at a crossroads because their current approach has failed,” said NDP Critic for Tax Fairness, Niki Ashton. “They have two options, let the Bank wither and die, having accomplished nothing but enrich their wealthy friends, or they can listen to reason, support my bill and use the Infrastructure Bank to support communities including Indigenous and Northern communities in the fight against climate change.”

MEDIA RELEASE - The Liberals must stop giving a free pass to the ultra-rich and make them pay their fair share: NDP

In last week’s federal budget, New Democrats used their power to make big banks and other financial institutions pay a little bit more of their fair share after making record profits. New Democrats are calling for these measures to be extended to big box stores and big oil companies making record profits so that the money can be reinvested in solutions that make life more affordable for you and your family.
“When the cost of food, housing and gas for your cars goes up faster than workers’ wages, it’s like getting a hefty pay cut — it’s not fair,” said Blaikie. “Rich CEOs are lining their pockets on the backs of struggling Canadians. It doesn’t have to be this way. Instead of maintaining a rigged system that benefits the wealthiest, we need to fix it by making sure those at the top pay their fair share. By doing so, we can invest more in healthcare, build affordable homes, and create good jobs that help fight the climate crisis for Canadians.”

REALITY CHECK: Conservatives want the Liberals to increase budget spending by $25 Billion

New Democrats believe it's important to be fiscally responsible with Canadians' money. That's why they proposed measures to make the very rich pay their fair share to invest in programs to help Canadians:
        • Making big banks, big box stores and big oil pay their fair share on excess profits.
        • Cut billion-dollar subsidies to big oil.
"The Conservatives and Liberals continue to protect the profits of the super-rich and are getting us nowhere on solving big problems people are facing now. The Liberals found a way to give billions to big oil companies while they are making record profits on the fantasy of being able to capture carbon. And while the Conservatives like to pretend they want to help you, they refuse to make the ultra-rich pay their fair share. Leaving you and your family struggling to make ends meet. While the Liberals and Conservatives protect the very rich and their profits made on the backs of people, New Democrats stand with workers and families. Every time." – NDP MP Charlie Angus

MEDIA RELEASE - New Democrats are using their power to secure results that will make a big difference in people’s lives

In Budget 2022, the NDP secured dental care coverage for kids, help to pay rent for a million Canadians, and making big banks pay their fair share

OTTAWA – With today’s budget, the NDP used their power to secure results the Liberals haven’t delivered – results that will make a big difference in people’s lives. The cost of living has gone up and people are struggling to make ends meet. By asking the big banks to pay a little bit more, we can help families make ends meet with dental care coverage and help to find a home.

MEDIA RELEASE - Liberals continue to rubberstamp oil projects, fail to invest in workers or solutions to the worsening climate crisis

Just days ago, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a scathing report warning people that we cannot continue on our current path if we are going to have any chance of addressing climate change.
The reality we are facing could not be more clear: bolder action is urgently needed.
But today, we learned the Liberals are going ahead with a new fossil fuel project and will continue to hand out billions of dollars to oil and gas companies.

IN THE NEWS: CTV - The day after the deal: MPs voice their views on the Liberal-NDP agreement

IN THE NEWS: CTV - The day after the deal: MPs voice their views on the Liberal-NDP agreement

NDP MP Jenny Kwan said that while the deal doesn’t include all of the policies the NDP want progress on, “it is about getting as much as we can for the people who need the supports and services,” and she and others will continue to fight for more.

“That’s what this agreement is about, getting as much as we can,” Kwan said. “Imagine—if 25 New Democrats can get us this far—what a majority New Democrat government can do.”

NEWS: CBC - How the Liberal-NDP agreement will work and what it  might mean for Canadians

NEWS: CBC - How the Liberal-NDP agreement will work and what it might mean for Canadians

The "supply-and-confidence" agreement struck between the governing Liberals and the opposition New Democrats could affect the kind of legislation Canadians can expect to see pass through Parliament between now and 2025.

According to the deal, those key policy areas are climate change, health care spending, reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, economic growth and efforts to make life more affordable.

IN THE NEWS: National Observer - Rich keep getting richer while everyday Canadians suffer

IN THE NEWS: National Observer - Rich keep getting richer while everyday Canadians suffer

“I have had seniors come to my office in despair because their GIS (Guaranteed Income Support) has been cut and they don't know what to do. The rent is due and they have no other option,” said Kwan. “I've had seniors who've received eviction (notices) as a result of that … and been evicted and rendered homeless.”

The NDP has consistently pushed for a wealth tax, closing corporate tax loopholes, and providing a guaranteed livable basic income.

In the 2021 election, a one per cent tax on wealth over $10 million was a key plank of the NDP platform. Leader Jagmeet Singh also previously made an opposition day motion to implement a one per cent tax on wealth over $20 million.

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