Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I thank the committee members for supporting the last motion.
I have another motion that I'd like to move at this point. Notice has been given for it. It reads as follows:
That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the committee invite the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship and the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities and relevant officials together for two hours, or invite the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship with relevant officials for two hours, and the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities to appear separately with relevant officials for one hour to update the committee on:
(a) the work of the task force addressing the exploitation scheme targeting international students as many students are still reporting that they are in limbo and have not heard back from officials about their status;
(b) the measures taken by IRCC and institutions to help prevent and protect international students from fraud schemes;
(c) the justification to increase the financial requirements for international students by more than 100% to $20,635;
(d) the justification for putting a cap on international study permits; and
(e) the plans to address the housing crisis for international students and efforts made to collaborate with provinces, territories and post-secondary institutions.
I think the motion is self-explanatory on all elements, and I think we would benefit from having the two ministers appear before our committee. We've also deliberated this issue at length at another meeting, so in the interest of time, I won't revisit all of those points.
I hope committee members will support this motion.