Parliament is where I bring the voices of Vancouver East constituents to government and fight for real action and legislative change. I do this through debating and voting on legislation in the chamber, as well as attend committee meetings where Members of Parliament examine, discuss, and debate issues in greater depth and details.

On this page you can see all question period questions, statements and speeches that I make in the House of Commons. In the “In Committee” page you can see my debates and proceedings in various parliamentary committees.

Select videos of questions and statements can be viewed under the “House Speeches” section.

Parliament Video: Jenny in the House: What Portugal is doing on the Opioid Crisis

While speaking to the motion to create Portuguese Heritage Month, I wanted to take some time to discuss the great things going on in Portugal in regards to harm reduction. Canada can and should learn from Portuguese model. Over 15 years ago, Portugal made a decision that things needed to change with the realization the current approach simply was not working. Portugal embraced the harm reduction approach, understanding that addiction issues were better suited to be addressed by the health care system and social welfare system than the criminal justice system. Portugal took what seemed like a radical step to many peer nations: decriminalizing minor possession of all drugs and dramatically shifting their resources away from the criminal justice system towards health and social services:

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