On this page are selected videos of speeches, statements, debates, and questions I raise in the House.

To watch parliamentary proceedings live, you can visit: https://parlvu.parl.gc.ca/Harmony

Parliament Video: Interview with Jenny: Calling on the federal government to stop penny-pinching low-income seniors!

Why is the Federal Liberal government one the one hand, giving out $12 million for fridges to a company owned by one of the wealthiest families in Canada, and on the other hand, making low-income seniors who use public transit report their BC Bus Pass as income on their income taxes?

Parliament Video: Jenny in Question Period: "Humanitarian leaders don't shut their border to asylum seekers during a refugee crisis"

I have learned, in reviewing the Liberal government's 2019 Budget, that they are trying to sneak in changes to refugee laws in their Budget bill.

Humanitarian leaders don't shut their borders to asylum seekers in the midst of a refugee crisis. Lives are at risk.

That's why, on April 9, 2019, I rose in Question Period to ask once again: Will the Prime Minister do the right thing and suspend the Safe Third Country Agreement?

Parliament Video: Jenny in QP: "Humanitarian leaders don't shut their borders to asylum seekers."

Jenny has learned, in reviewing the Liberal government's 2019 Budget Omnibus bill, that they are trying to sneak in changes to refugee laws in their Budget. Humanitarian leaders don't shut their borders to asylum seekers in the midst of a refugee crisis. Lives are at risk. That's why, on April 9, 2019, Jenny rose in Question Period to ask once again:

Parliament Video: Jenny in the House: Public inquiry on SNC-Lavalin scandal?

We knew that the halls of power were rigged for wealthy and corporate insiders. What the scandal over SNC-Lavalin has revealed in detail is just how far the Liberal government has gone to put the interests of the corporate elite over Canadians. The Liberal government keeps telling us how important an independent justice system is, but it all goes out of the window when it is their corporate friends in trouble. It is time for a public inquiry. Canadians deserve to know the whole truth:

Parliament Video: Jenny Kwan in Question Period: Stop the deportation of a key witness!

My colleague Niki Ashton and I were alerted to the fact that a key witness in an IRCC human trafficking investigation is threatened with imminent deportation by CBSA. In Question Period today, I asked: Will the Ministers halt his deportation to prevent a travesty of justice?


Parliament Video: Jenny In Question Period: Daughters Of The Vote and Feminism

I rose yesterday, April 3, in Question period, to ask the following question: 
"Today in this chamber, dozens of the Daughters of the Vote turned their backs to the Prime Minister. Why? It is because they support strong, independent women speaking truth to power. Because they know that integrity is the cornerstone of your character.
"By kicking the first Indigenous Attorney-General of Canada out of caucus for upholding the law, the Prime Minister has made it clear that principled women who dare to stand up to him are not welcome in the Liberal Party. 
"Is this what a self-proclaimed 'feminist' looks like in 2019?"

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