On this page are selected videos of speeches, statements, debates, and questions I raise in the House.

To watch parliamentary proceedings live, you can visit: https://parlvu.parl.gc.ca/Harmony

Parliament Video: Jenny in the House: 1 month later & still no details on Rapid Housing Initiative funds?

On October 20, 2020, MP Jenny Kwan asks why, one month after the announcement, in the midst of a pandemic, with cold weather upon us, the Liberal government still hasn't released details on how non-profit housing providers can access Raid Housing Initiative funds:

Parliament Video: Jenny slams the Hong Kong security law at Chinese Consulate

On July 1, 2020, MP Jenny Kwan raises concerns on the newly passed Hong Kong Security Law. A draconian law against freedom of speech and basic human rights, it also ends the One Country Two System and violated the Sino-British Joint Declaration. The law not only affects people in Hong Kong but people around the world who criticize China or Hong Kong:

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